Podcast Klimaatvragen

The development of a podcast for the Dutch branch of Young Friends of the Earth ‘Milieudefensie Jong’ (supported by 102.779 Dutch people in 2020), where we interview people involved in the climate movement in a playful way by asking them ‘rude climate questions’.

Scope - Youth Climate Activism

While initiating this project, I was a part of the communication committee of ‘Milieudefensie Jong’. Together we were coming up with ideas to communicate our activism work to other young people. The organisation gave me the full freedom and access to their facilities to start a podcast! The fun thing about this project was that I had a lot of access to the target group. Both my fellow volunteers (who were all active in the climate field), and my roommates (who kept asking me about what I was doing and how they could get involved) were my target group.

Participatory designing a podcast concept

I decided to host two brainstorming sessions with the intention to design a podcast concept together. This led into the concept of ‘Brutale Klimaatvragen’ (freely translated: ‘Rude Climate Questions’). A podcast where we ask questions in a youthful way. Questions that are maybe a bit too direct to ask, but that we are still all wondering about. Each episode starts with a simple introduction into the topic or campaign, where we ask the interviewee (someone active within climate activism) to explain their work in simple words. Later we will move into the more critical questions. Like asking someone who visited a COP meeting (UN climate meeting) whether they were even listened to, or if they felt like they were just attending for show. These were the kind of questions that seemed to interest both target groups.

“Why is diversity in the climate movement so important?”

(Question asked during episode 2)

“Are we not already too late with sustainable solutions?”

(Question asked during episode 9)

For the first three episodes I was the co-host together with fellow volunteer Melissa. When I moved to Denmark for my master’s degree, ‘Milieudefensie Jong’ continued the podcast team. And nowadays the podcast has 18 episodes and is still ongoing. You can listen to them here! Besides doing the research and development of the podcast concept, I also learned a lot about sound design when editing the first two of them. This project was the start of my passion for audio journalism. Which I later continued by hosting a live student radio program ‘How to Dane’ for Copenhagen University.

I couldn't have done this without:
- Milieudefensie Jong & Milieudefensie
- The people behind the podcast Anderhalve Graad for borrowing their equipment and giving me a 101 to podcasting
- My co-host for the first two episodes Melissa & coordinator of the communication committee Eline
- All the people who are now part of the podcast committee, and are keeping the concept going!